Topics, Tools & Applications

Topics in the Taxonomy

Our everyday concerns in living, working and managing are dealt with in the Taxonomy. A recent survey of website users found that the main benefit was an enhanced general understanding of these basics.

You can see the main clusters of Topics, called Satellites, by clicking on
THEE Frameworks in the Table of Contents at left and then selecting a Satellite

Click Closedhere for a diverse list of Topics found within Satellites.

As the Table of Contents reveals, the Taxonomy deals with universal fundamentals of human life. THEE frameworks explain the mental tools that you use mostly unconsciously, but sometimes explicitly, to manage yourself, others and your situations.

However, being a product of human evolution, the Taxonomy does not divide itself into compartments or topics with any reference to our current way of life or specialized interests. So your concerns and problems may not correspond neatly to a single locus within the Taxonomy in a 1:1 fashion.

ClosedExamples: Dispersed topics

Closed«Power» is relevant within:

Closed«Participation» is relevant within:

Closed«Career» is relevant within:

Tools from the Taxonomy

THEE potentially offers a complete language of meaningful and precise reference for psychological and social life (i.e. «psychosocial reality»). This alone allows for more efficient and effective cooperation. Using this language, many specific tools have been developed. However, by combining taxonomic tools judiciously, experiential or intellectual technologies with far greater power and potential can be developed.

ClosedExamples Tools:

The framework-tool in its original form is general and widely applicable. It needs adaptation to be used in a specific context e.g. a person, a family, an organization, a community, a state. Sometimes one of these is the natural base for analysis. Yet further adaptation may be needed to suit a specific situation within that context e.g. a project, a career, a discipline.

ClosedExamples Frameworks:

Dualities are unavoidable perennial value conflicts. The Taxonomy is characterized as much by duality as by hierarchy, and both can be the source of distress, confusion and conflict if misunderstood and mishandled. If you can identify inevitable polarization, there is the potential for a constructive resolution and the reduction of divisiveness and social hostility. Frameworks possess and clarify dualities of many sorts.

ClosedExamples Varieties of Duality:

Applications of the Taxonomy

The website is organised by Satellites, not by Domains. Each Satellite is a family of closely related frameworks within one Domain.

Each framework has many applications that derive from its fundamental features. Repeated use of the framework applications via collaborative consultancy work is a form of action research that tests for validity. I currently prefer the phrase: "ethical design research" for this work.

Here are some examples of framework applications: the lists are not exhaustive.

ClosedDecision-Making Approaches (posted in the Deciding & Achieving Satellite)

ClosedLevels of Purpose (published as a text Working with Values (1995); chapters and Matrix diagrams available for free download in the Purpose & Value Satellite)

ClosedInteracting for Benefit Framework (posted in the Interacting-for-Benefit Satellite)

ClosedLevels of Work-Responsibility (posted in the Work in Organisations Satellite)


The above lists may seem overwhelming:

Originally posted: July 2009; Last amended: 14-Oct-2016.